6 Apr 2014

An Introduction to HHVM

"The full form of HHVM is HipHop Virtual Machine. It converts PHP(Hypertext preprocessor) code into a bytecode (known as an intermediate language) and after that  bytecode is  translated into machine code dynamically at runtime by a JIT(just-in-time ) compiler."

Now you have basically two question in your mind.What is byte code and what is JIT compiler?

So let's clear your doubts,
Bytecode: Is a nothing but  non human readable code designed for efficient execution by an interpreter or compiler.

JIT (Just In Time) compiler: It is a technique used to improve performance of software, this is achieved by compiling bytecode during execution, the byte code is store in memory after this  the JIT compiler loads and compiles as many sections of the byte code as needed.

Where it is used?

I want to tell my readers that In early 2008 Facebook began working on HipHop(now HPHP).For next 2 years Facebook continued working on HipHop adding HPHPi ( it is  'developer mode' version of HPHP) and HipHop debugger known as HPHPd.

Benefit of HHVM:

According to me,

(1)Main goal of HipHop is to provide a high level of compatibility for PHP code. It was originally open-sourced in early 2010.

(2)One of the strongest  features in HHVM is its support for a wide range of databases.
there are many other benefit of HHVM but I mentioned only two of this.

(3)HHVM is tightly compatible with all types of server.So I think it is very useful for every type of designer.

(4)HHVM executes all type of PHP scripts very fast and effective manner.


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