17 Apr 2014

Hello Everyone,Today in this post I wanna give you some information that is totally based on command prompt.So Let's start,

(1)Open Command Prompt From a Folder





Have you ever opened the command prompt by endless cd commands trying to get to a folder ? If the answer is yes then I want to tell you that  you can actually save a lot of time by opening a command prompt within a folder from Explorer. For that you have to do is hold shift key while right-clicking on a folder and the option will appear like Open command window here.So simple click that option.

(2)Command History

You most likely have been pressing the up key to get to your previous commands, but it is very irritating when you are trying to find some particular command.For that  you can view your past command is to use the doskey command.

 doskey /history






(3)Drag and Drop Files to Change the Current Path

Another neat trick if you are not a fan of opening a command prompt from the context menu is the ability to drag and drop folders onto the prompt and have it automatically enter the path of the folder. You’ll need to type the CD command and then drag the folder over to actually change the path.






(4)Run Multiple Commands In One Go:

Our final trick of the day is one that many command line geeks may already know, the ability to run multiple command at once by linking them with double ampersands. You can do this with any commands and you can link up as many as you want: 

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Hello Friends,As we all know wikipedia is the biggest online Encyclopedia.Many time we found some usefull artical on wikipedia and if we want it for future use then we use some software to save that artical into our pc or we save that page in our pc.

But friends today I am gonna tell you one amazing trick with it you can directly convert that type artical into PDF or E-BOOK.So Be ready... 


  1. Open Wikipedia article that you wanted to download as a PDF or Create Ebook.
  2. Now click on Print/export option [ See above picture].
  3. If you want to export single page then click on Download as PDF.
  4. To export multiple number of articles or wiki web pages Click on Create a book.
  5. After Clicking on Create a book option, then click on Start book creator browse wiki articles to select wiki article click on Add this page to your book , After adding wiki articles click on Show book and download it as PDF , Word processor , EPUB & OpenZim Formats.

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7 Apr 2014

As we all know,Now a days Facebook and Google plus is one of the most popular people search engine, but they are not always perfect.Just think what happen, If some one(whom you want to find) has no account in this type of social networking site.So these type of social networking sites are limited to  social-network only.So, Today I will talk about one such search engine, which is totally dedicated for finding people.

So,What is Pipl?

Basically,Pipl is a popular  people search engine which produce data from social media networking services, search engines and other databases based on the user’s search.

It include data from every popular social networking service like Facebook ,Google plus, Instagrame, Twitter, LinkedIn or MySpace. 

Pipl search results are more better and reliable than many search engine result, in the case of people search.

It was launched in 2007 and has been very popular because of it's uniqueness for people search.  The distinct and advanced features of Pipl are the main reason for its popularity. 

How does Pipl works?

Basically, Pipl browser use your social networking site account to find your profile.So if you suppose enter "Nikhil Godhani" then it first of all find all Nikhil from different type of social network like Facebook, Google plus,LinkedIn,Twitter etc.And it gives all the result of various account.So here I give you image after finding my name on Pipl. 

So,above image gives information of my Facebook account and my Google plus account.

Hope this information will help you.
I would really appreciate your feedback, suggestions  and ideas.

Thank You.



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6 Apr 2014

An Introduction to HHVM

"The full form of HHVM is HipHop Virtual Machine. It converts PHP(Hypertext preprocessor) code into a bytecode (known as an intermediate language) and after that  bytecode is  translated into machine code dynamically at runtime by a JIT(just-in-time ) compiler."

Now you have basically two question in your mind.What is byte code and what is JIT compiler?

So let's clear your doubts,
Bytecode: Is a nothing but  non human readable code designed for efficient execution by an interpreter or compiler.

JIT (Just In Time) compiler: It is a technique used to improve performance of software, this is achieved by compiling bytecode during execution, the byte code is store in memory after this  the JIT compiler loads and compiles as many sections of the byte code as needed.

Where it is used?

I want to tell my readers that In early 2008 Facebook began working on HipHop(now HPHP).For next 2 years Facebook continued working on HipHop adding HPHPi ( it is  'developer mode' version of HPHP) and HipHop debugger known as HPHPd.

Benefit of HHVM:

According to me,

(1)Main goal of HipHop is to provide a high level of compatibility for PHP code. It was originally open-sourced in early 2010.

(2)One of the strongest  features in HHVM is its support for a wide range of databases.
there are many other benefit of HHVM but I mentioned only two of this.

(3)HHVM is tightly compatible with all types of server.So I think it is very useful for every type of designer.

(4)HHVM executes all type of PHP scripts very fast and effective manner.

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